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- Beep Test
x----------------x 20 meters The Beep Test is used by the US National Teams and helps determine a player's fitness level. The test is performed with the use of a cassette tape. The tape has a series of beeps. On the first beep the player begins running to the other cone and should be there when the next beep sounds. The pace begins very slowly and increases as the tape progresses. The player must find the pace that fits the level. If two beeps are missed the player is finished. Goal = Level 12
- Cones
x-----x-----x-----x-----x-----x 25 yards The Cone Test requires the player to run a series of shuttles. The distance between each cone is 5 yards. The player runs to the first then back to the starting point, to the second then to the starting point and so on. 25 sec rest after each set with extra rest after #3, 6, and 8. Goal = 10 consecutive sets all completed in 35 seconds or less.
- 120's
120's are a test designed to measure a player's ability to run longer distances. 120 yards is the equivalent to the length of a normal soccer field. The player starts at one end of the field and must sprint to the other end. At the end the player has the remainder of the minute to rest. The rest involves a jog back to the starting point. There is extra rest time after runs #4 and 7.
Goal = 10 consecutive sets all completed in 18 seconds or less.
- ½ mile run in 3:00 minutes (Rest for 2:00 minutes)
- ¼ mile run in 1:20 minutes (Rest for 1:30 minutes)
- 6-18-60 shuttle in 35 seconds (Rest for :30 seconds)
- 6-18-60 shuttle in 35 seconds (Rest for 1:30 seconds)
- ½ mile run in 3:15 minutes (Rest for 2:00 minutes)
- ¼ miles run in 1:25 minutes
Goal = All runs completed under time
- Cooper's Test
The Cooper's Test is a timed run that requires each player to run as far as they can in 12 minutes. At 12 minutes every player stops and their finishing places is recorded. It is best to complete this run on a track. Goal = Running as far as possible in time allotment.
- Sprint Series
Sept/Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Jan/Feb |
Rest time |
20 yard dash |
10 X 20 |
13 X 20 |
16 X 20 |
20 X 20 |
20 seconds |
40 yard dash |
10 X 40 |
13 X 40 |
16 X 40 |
20 X 40 |
30 seconds |
60 yard dash |
8 X 60 |
11 X 60 |
13 X 60 |
15 X 60 |
45 seconds |
80 yard dash |
5 X 80 |
7 X 80 |
9 X 80 |
10 X 80 |
60 seconds |
100 yard dash |
4 X 100 |
5 X 100 |
7 X 100 |
8 X 100 |
70 seconds |
Goal = All runs completed under time (find someone to race against)
- 2 Mile Run
Goal = Run 2 miles in under 13 minutes
- Timed Runs
Each player starts running and continues until the set time is reached. This kind of running is essential in building and maintaining a fitness base. The time allotments increase over time as the player's fitness level increases. The runs should be completed without stopping.
Sept/Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Jan/Feb |
20 mins |
25 mins |
30 mins |
35 mins |
Goal = Running as far as possible in time allotment without stopping
- Strength Testing
Each player completes a 2 minutes set of sit-ups and push-ups. Rest while doing push ups is in the up position and in the up position for sit-ups. Concentrate on your form while doing each one. Goal = As many correct repetitions as possible in 2 mins.
- Modified Shuttles
x----------------------------------x |
There and back 3 times = 240 yards |
40 yards |
- 45 seconds rest after each
x------------------------------------------x |
There and back 3 times = 300 yards |
50 yards |
x-----------------------x |
There and back 6 times = 300 yards |
25 yards |
x-----------------------x |
There and back 3 times = 150 yards |
25 yards |
- 45 seconds of rest after each
Goal = All runs completed under time
- Plyometrics
x--------------------x |
18 yards |
1. Slalom (side to side) down line |
2. Knees to chest trying to reach max height |
3. Facing line jumping back and forth down line |
4. Same as #3 facing other way |
5. Hop on right foot down the line |
6. Hope on left foot down the line |
7. Long stride, arc and jump going for distance |
8. Lunge walk down the line |
9. Double leg jump down the line (feet together) |
10.Sprint |
After each exercise jog back to starting point |
Goal = 5 sets of all 10 exercises
- Individual Work with Ball
With a ball work on dribbling, turns, fakes and moves (step-over, pullback, Matthews, Cryff, weigh shifts, etc) in a 5 X 5 yard grid. Explode 5-7 yards after completing a move. Be creative and try to combine a series of moves. Work on juggling using all body parts (both feet, thighs, head, etc.) Play soccer tennis, soccer volleyball or soccer golf. If you have access to a racquetball court knock it around and work on trapping and striking surfaces. Be sure to focus on long range passing, flighted balls (40 yards plus) and heading for power and for distance. Mix in 30-30-30's at least 8 times. Goal = 45 minutes to 1 hour per session
- Stairs, Hills, and Running Backwards
Find a hill or set of stairs that you can run on. Be sure to pump your knees as high to your chest as possible. Also do at least a set of backwards running at least once a week (see chart below).
Sept/Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Jan/Feb |
20 reps- 20 yards |
20 reps - 40 yards |
25 reps - 40 yards |
30 reps - 40 yards |
- Competitive 1 v 1
Set up a cone and compete against another player. Agree on length of mini-match or score you are playing to reach. Keep space tight and always keep score!